The Flesh of the Bear
Tuesday, June 29, 2004 |
Do you think launching this book (http://www.literaturenortheast.co.uk/events/Flesh_of_the_Bear_book_launch)in a vegetarian restaurant was such a good idea?
Not that the veggies had turned out in force (maybe Sunday is sacred to them in some way?)- they voted with their sandals and stayed home / went to Glasto/ watched some more footie. In the meantime, an assorted assembly of Teesside and Finnish poets wowed the gathered few with readings from the new collection accompanied by the amazing Kev Howard on didgeridoo and the legendary Shaun Lennox on guitar, harmonica and bongos. It's a beautiful restaurant (The Waiting Room in Eaglescliffe)but I felt like we were a bit of a rabble - we were a better fit in the rock club in Turku. But it's always nice reading with these musicians - both of them are really sensitive to the spoken word and find a new emotional twist with every reading. Also was fun reading other people's work - I love reading the men poets' stuff - it's odd getting your tongue round another man's thoughts - interesting also how some of them are easier to inhabit. And tonight Matthew I'm gettin out my false beard (yes, madam, it IS false) to do the legendary Esa Hirvonen whose work i love at the Hydrogen Jukebox. It's a beautiful life.
Hey Michael - your hair, man - sort of lovely new puppy look - I like to see a man's skull .. |
9:12 AM

Comments: |
Hi Jojo
It's kind of funny. Maybe it was a bad place to launch the book. Anyway, I admire this courage of yours and looks like you love to explore others thoughts. Good luck with your new book.
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Hi Jojo
It's kind of funny. Maybe it was a bad place to launch the book. Anyway, I admire this courage of yours and looks like you love to explore others thoughts. Good luck with your new book.