Angelic Upstarts
Thursday, July 28, 2005 |
 The sun has cleared off again - like it suddenly realised it was at the wrong party - Brits turning into Mediterranean cheerful types with their tops off - it couldn't last, could it? It was wonderful though - highlight was Angel Readman's launch at the Bridge - the late evening sun coming in, everything backlit - her brilliant poems, Shaun Lennox on guitar and Andy Willoughby also reading from his great new collection. I felt exhilirated to be with my friends and their work. A high summer moment. Since then - bombs in London and I find myself there two weeks after wandering the streets because I keep getting thrown off the tube. Not for skin colour reasons (I always look like death warmed up) or dresscode deviance (sports clothes? moi?) but because people were having another go - didn't realise until finally I walked from Shepherd's Bush to King's Cross that four more attempts had been made. London like a scene from War of the Worlds - baffled populace milling about waiting for the pavements to burst open and deliver annihilation. Lots of cor blimey blitz spirit(this just means people talk to you more and still hate foreigners). Except on the tube of course where everyone is scared and avoiding eye contact with the result that we all look suspicious. Glad as hell I only have to do this every couple of weeks. I love London but never did like being incarcerated (that incident in Milan University toilet - shudder). The tube too like a tomb just now, best avoided unless absolutely necessary. INP will get you to Angel's and Andy's book. |
3:53 AM
