Saturday, June 01, 2013 |
The world only ever glimpsed from train window a view from the bell jar at speed so that blur of green of horse of sky of pylon of wind generator of swan of farm of church of silo of chimneys of canal of lake of river of sea is all one conveyor belt a reality soup that is like a steaming bowl wafted in front of a hungry woman then removed. taken away. A pelmanism of random items I memorise but am never tested on. I am starving but I am losing my appetite.
The only still point is the iPad is the iPhone is the laptop. Here I can pin it down make it stay watch stuff in contained world boxed in make controlled entries limited by characters limited by character my many many friends so clean and scentless so interesting so entertaining so ...remote. Their playlists, their photos, their events. All there for the taking the tasting the testing. Join their community. Like them just like them that's all they want. We all want to be liked. Don't we.
It seems such a big all encompassing world. But when I was lost on the moors beyond Hamsterley with only you and your unverifiable belief in your navigational skills for company, that world vanished and all I had was the sky so huge and bestrewn with clouds and rainbows an earth so covered in moss and reed and tree and stone. I like like liked it.
 Labels: missing, The Fens, trains |
4:30 AM
