Frida n Patti
Sunday, June 26, 2005 |
 Just been to see Kahlo exhibition at Tate Modern - www.tate.org.uk The place was heavin with visitors and it was also the hottest day of the year in the UK - 33 degrees that's way more than normal - appropriate for the Meltdown - event hosted this year by Patti Smith which I got to on Sunday night when she was appearning with Steve Earle. So it was a weekend for hot girls - Frida the more obviously beautiful - her mix of Eastern European and Mexican blood, perhaps. So many self portraits - her serious face - her pain - the acciodent and then the miscarriage documented graphically - but then followed by the emotional pain of being married to Diego who sounds like a bit of a git to me - using politics as a route to as much free love as you can get - the whole concept of free love so insane really. Nowt for free Mista. She's bleeding all over the place. And of course yes yes she was a bit of a goer herself but I can't help thinking this was as a way to comfort herself for his infidelity - not her sista mista that's so wrong! I loved the paintings though. So open and lushly appealing - it reminded me of a mix of Rousseau annd Mexican Day of the Dead stuff, the way death is incorported. Patti was spectacular too - so sexy and full on and somehow childlike in her enthusiasm and energy - not bad for an old girl. Female icons - sure beats Jordan, Kylie or Madonna for me any road up - at least they have some talent and politics. |
9:26 AM
