per ardua ad astra
Monday, November 21, 2005 |

 Punchdrunk is well and truly launched - both over here and in Finland. You can read a review of my set in it on Tom Kelly's website http://neukol.org.uk/tyneblog/index.php/tomkelly- and you can download an mp3 (click on link) http://s55.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3A69AQ2MSX3S10OKPIURRP3XVZ of me reading a piece I put together using visuals and music (with the help of Simon James and Sony Acid Pro 6 - and to brendada for her lovely photos of skies and birds) It was all a bit mad but enjoyable to do a set supported in this way - in the end the words are the most important thing - but maybe it sometimes helps to appeal to the senses too? I dunno. Maybe it's all a bit cowardly because I am not a natural performer and feel so shy on the stage even now - distracting the audience from me always seems like a good idea. Finland was cold dark and wet but I swam in the Baltic with my friend and saunaed afterwards - it's a huge buzz better than that vodka rubbish. |
1:23 AM

Wonderful blog!
Keep it up!