the wizard and the wardrobe
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 |
 look at this poor sap with her smiling lips and glazed eyes transported via the snow king's buggy to a land where everything looks perfect for just the amount of time that it takes for snow to melt - for a while the world has a crystalline sparkle - it fizzes with delight and joy and you are compelled to believe every word he says for the duration - laughing gaily as you whizz down the snow covered hills - roasting chestnuts by an open fire - then the snow melts and the dirty brown earth pokes through and you are back in the world that is called real - and it's not good. he's not smiling anymore but accusing you of capital offences. Things get nasty quickly. He thinks you have poisoned him. Time to get back into that wardrobe close the door tight and inhale the smells of mothball and old sweat until you feel a bit brighter. Time in fact to make the decision never to go to nar nar land again to refuse the ice toffee no matter how beguiling the offer seems. perhaps a trip to Ikea will offer an alternative piece of furniture with less painful consequences - but there's something about their clean lines, their functionality, their wholesomeness that you resist. There's a path somehwere that is neither Ikea nor skip, but a new bright and beautiful primose path calling - just find where it begins and take the first step. |
2:17 PM

Comments: |
But it is lovely. That snow clean. All brightness and white glory. Like novelty. Like a change of hair style making us suddenly attractive again. Visual things rarely possess permanence. And never permanent attraction. Well, not that I can easily think of.
You take us on a wonderful sleigh ride here. A very enjoyable post.
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But it is lovely. That snow clean. All brightness and white glory. Like novelty. Like a change of hair style making us suddenly attractive again. Visual things rarely possess permanence. And never permanent attraction. Well, not that I can easily think of.
You take us on a wonderful sleigh ride here. A very enjoyable post.